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كثيرا" ما نسمع هذا السؤال ؟


هل ينتقل #فيروس_كورونا من الأم #الحامل الى جنينها؟

#COVID_19 #Syria #UNFPA #Ministry_of_Health UN in Syria




كيف تقوي #الحامل مناعتها لحماية نفسها من الاصابة #بفيروس_كورونا ؟


تابعي معنا هنا أهم النصائح الضرورية.


UN in Syria UNFPA Arabic - صندوق الأمم المتحدة للسكان للدول العربية





هل أنت حامل ؟


كيف تضمنين الولادة الآمنة في زمن انتشار الكورونا؟

#COVID_19 #UNFPA #Pregnant_women #Syria #Ministry_of_Health UN in Syria




"It is extremely challenging as we are in a community who moved out of #Al_Rukban #camp because hygiene situation is difficult here in the #camp".


"We are providing services particularly for #women, #reproductive_health services and we are trying to provide the dignity kits which are very important for women during #COVID_19 #pandemic."


Mr. Karen Daduryan, #UNFPA Representative stated from #Homs

#COVID_19 UN in Syria UNFPA Arabic - صندوق الأمم المتحدة للسكان للدول العربية UNFPA




A message of love and solidarity to the #medical staff and #midwives from #Aleppo.

#Covid_19 #Thanks_Health_Heroes




"A salute to the #heroes of #coronavirus: #Health care #workers on the frontline.


Today, we are more deeply grateful than ever to all of you, as you work, round the clock, putting yourselves at risk."


From UNFPA #Syria Team

@UN in Syria UNFPA Arabic - صندوق الأمم المتحدة للسكان للدول العربية




ماهي بعض الأخطاء الشائعة عن #فيروس_كورونا ؟

Thanks to Masyaf Charitable Association جمعية مصياف الخيرية YPEER | SYRIA




Thanks to all of the #healthcare workers who selflessly give themselves to others. You are true #heroes and should be recognized as such. Love and blessings to you all.


You inspire us with your compassion and determination.


We are so grateful for your work.

#Covid_19 #UNFPA #Syria



Message of #UNFPA Executive Director Dr. Natalia Kanem on the #International_Day of #Midwives



UNFPA Executive Director Dr. Natalia Kanem on the International Day of the #Midwife.

