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1st humanitarian assistance arrives in Al Sheikh Maqsoud neighborhood in Aleppo As part of UNFPA response to the devastating earthquake that struck Syria, and in partnership with the Syrian Arab Red Crescent, the 1st humanitarian assistance has reached to Al Sheikh Maqsoud neighborhood in northern Aleppo where there are around 50,000 inhabitants, more than half of them are women, and directly affected by the disaster.


The women of earthquake and war-ravaged Syria all have the same message for the international community: "help establish #peace and restore hope for the future." Laila Baker, UNFPA Regional Director for Arab States, stated from Aleppo


“It is impossible to describe or explain what we felt that night”, Hussein said from Lattakia What happened with the survivors from the #earthquake during 60 seconds?


“It is impossible to describe or explain what we felt that night”, Hussein said from Lattakia What happened with the survivors from the #earthquake during 60 seconds?


Early in the morning, while most people were still sleeping, a powerful earthquake rocked Syria, carving death and destruction in the country. UNFPA team on the ground across the affected areas in Syria


A step of young people’s journey to learn more about their history and cultural spaces. We aim to shed light on the gorgeous heritage of Syria through a new community-based initiatives led by youth to engage young people in the community. آرومة كم من ذكرى صاغتها الروائح ... روائح الصابون التقليدي...و روائح الحلويات .... اليوم نجوب أماكن اعتدناها ....سكنتنا و باتت منا كما نحن منها . آرومة مبادرة تهدف لتسليط الضوء على التراث السوري المادي و اللامادي في اللاذقية و جبلة بالتعاون مع منظمة المعهد الأوروبي للتعاون والتنمية - وبدعم من صندوق الأمم المتحدة للسكان في سورية .


فعالية EXPO_تطوع تعود من جديد في دمشق و حلب و حماة! ليقوم الشباب بدورهم بالمجتمع كأشخاص فاعلين ومؤثرين، ويبدؤوا بأول خطوات مسيرتهم المهنية ويزيدوا خبراتهم، التطوع هو الخيار الأمثل والأنسب دائماً! أطلقت مؤسسة سند الشباب التنموية فعالية EXPO_تطوع و تضمنت معرض تفاعلي ليجمع المبادرات وينشر فرص تطوعية، و جلسات حوارية شبابية Expo Talks بدعم وتمويل من صندوق الأمم المتحدة للسكان - سوريا و بالتعاون مع فريق طاولة - Tawleh


معاً ضد إصدار الأحكام المسبقة تجاه النساء والفتيات


In this video, Duha tells us about her recovery journey from #breastcancer; the challenges she faced, and the motivations that strengthened her will to struggle against breast cancer disease. Let's go.


To empower women and girls, UNFPA opened the first Women and Girls Safe Space in Yarubiya city innortheastern_Syria and deployed two integrated mobile clinics. The safe space helps women to sharp their skills and build their confidence and overcome some of the hardships they have experienced. Life skills, languages learning, computer, and various vocational trainings are available in the space. While the mobile clinics provide a wide range of reproductive health services, psychosocial support and gender based violence services. The Women and Girls Safe Space and the 2 mobile clinics serve around 200 women and girls on a daily basis.
