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Dear Sir/Madam,
We hereby solicit your quotation for the supply of Provision of Equipment for Midwifery School in Der AL-Zour-Syria as per the attached document.

Warranty should be one year for all submitted equipment.

The quotation shall be valid at least for TWO MONTH after the closing date.

If you are interested in submitting a quotation for these items, kindly fill in the attached Annex-1 Quotation Form and send by email to the secure address: bidsyria@unfpa.org The deadline for
the submission of the offers is Monday 12th of April, 2021 at 12.00 PM (Damascus time).

Offers received after the deadline, or at another email address than the one indicated in the above (bidsyria@unfpa.org) will be automatically disqualified. Please submit your quotation in USD or SYP currency. Conversion of currency into the UNFPA preferred currency, if the offer is quoted differently from what is required, shall be based only on UN Operational Exchange Rate prevailing at the time of competition deadline.

Your earliest response to this query would be highly appreciated, but not later than 12th of April, 12.00 PM (Damascus time) Note: Current UNFPA supplier policies apply to this solicitation and can be found at: http://www.unfpa.org/suppliers. Name of Contact Person in UNFPA: Maisa Al Arab (alarab@unfpa.org) Tel. No. +963-6121659/+963-6113764 Bids to be submited at: bidsyria@unfpa.org