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UNFPA welcomes USD $500,000 contribution from the Republic of Korea in support of lifesaving humanitarian activities for women and girls in Syria

UNFPA welcomes USD $500,000 contribution from the Republic of Korea in support of lifesaving humanitarian activities for women and girls in Syria

Press Release

UNFPA welcomes USD $500,000 contribution from the Republic of Korea in support of lifesaving humanitarian activities for women and girls in Syria

calendar_today 22 August 2023

UNFPA welcomes USD $500,000 contribution from the Republic of Korea in support of lifesaving humanitarian activities for women a
UNFPA welcomes USD $500,000 contribution from the Republic of Korea in support of lifesaving humanitarian activities for women and girls in Syria

19 August 2023, Damascus: The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) welcomes the contribution of USD $500,000 by the Republic of Korea in support of lifesaving humanitarian activities for women and girls in Syria.

“This generous contribution from the Republic of Korea comes at a critical time and will be instrumental in saving lives and mitigating the plight of women and girls. After 12 years of conflict, the devastating earthquakes that struck the country in February 2023 have compounded the suffering of the Syrian people. With this support, UNFPA will be able to continue to provide lifesaving sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and gender-based violence (GBV) services to women and girls living in rural, under-served and earthquake-affected areas,” said Victor Valdivieso UNFPA Syria Representative a.i..


Despite the continuing efforts of humanitarian actors, the Syria crisis remains one of the world’s most complex humanitarian and protection emergencies. In 2023, the humanitarian needs are greater than ever, due to protracted conflict, waves of hostilities, mass displacement, widespread economic collapse, disruptions to basic services, climate change, and the lingering aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic and the February 2023 earthquakes, all of which have exacerbated pre-existing vulnerabilities. 


An estimated 15.3 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance - the highest number since the onset of the crisis in 2011. This includes 7.7 million women and girls, 4.2 million of whom are of reproductive age. Many women and girls struggle to access healthcare services, including SRH services, as a result of widespread damage to health facilities, shortages of health workers, limited transportation options, overcrowding and long waiting times, and lack of documentation. GBV, including harassment, domestic violence, and early and forced marriage, is a daily reality for women and girls which has become normalised in many communities. In 2023, the UNFPA Humanitarian Appeal is calling for USD $73.2 million to respond to urgent health and protection needs in Syria. 

"We are pleased to contribute to the UNFPA’s essential humanitarian efforts in Syria and ready to make a difference to alleviate the suffering and to improve the well-being of those affected, especially those impacted by the earthquakes,” stated by an official from the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea.


The Republic of Korea has been a valued partner of UNFPA in Syria since 2019, providing a total of USD $1.5 million in support of vulnerable and at risk women and youth.  


In 2022, UNFPA Syria reached 1,435,000 people with SRH services, 505,000 people with GBV prevention and response services, and 53,000 people through youth initiatives. UNFPA Syria provided 122,000 pregnant and lactating women with cash and voucher assistance to support their nutritional and hygiene needs. UNFPA Syria supported 331 service delivery points including 99 static health clinics, 168 integrated mobile teams (IMTs), 40 women and girls safe spaces (WGSS), one family planning unit (FPU), eight community wellbeing centres (CWCs), and 15 youth friendly spaces (YFS). 

For further information, please contact: 

Ms. Kinda Katranji, Communication Analyst, United Nations Population Fund Syria-Damascus, M:  0935 88 44 11, E-mail : katranji@unfpa.org
