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calendar_today 24 November 2016


Executive Director's statement on The International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

Empowering women and girls requires renewed efforts to end violence and harmful practices

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calendar_today 19 November 2016

Press Release

Statement by the Humanitarian Coordinator for Syria and the Regional Humanitarian Coordinator

The United Nations is extremely saddened and appalled by the recent escalation in fighting in several parts of Syria and calls on all parties to cease indiscriminate attacks…

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Colorful & Captivating “Four Seasons” project in Tartous, Syria

calendar_today 16 November 2016

Colorful & Captivating “Four Seasons” project in Tartous, Syria

In May, 2016 “Youth Innovation” project second batch was launched. Around 55 young persons, from Homs and Tartous, participated in ongoing workshops on &ldquo…

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The power of 10: Ten astonishing facts about 10-year-old girls

calendar_today 21 October 2016

The power of 10: Ten astonishing facts about 10-year-old girls

UNITED NATIONS, New York – The world’s future will be determined by the fate of its 10-year-old girls. Age 10 is the beginning of adolescence, when girls start…

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calendar_today 20 October 2016

Press Release

Investing in 10-year-old girls could yield huge demographic dividend, pump billions into national economies

 UNFPA State of World Population 2016 Investing in 10-year-old girls could yield huge demographic dividend, pump billions into national economies Girls are less likely…

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calendar_today 20 October 2016


UNFPA Executive Director Babatunde Osotimehin On the Occasion of the Launch of The State of World Population 2016

Welcome to the release of The State of World Population 2016, published by UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund. This year’s report is entitled, “10: How…

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calendar_today 20 October 2016

10 facts about 10-year-old girls

The State of World Population 2016 10 facts about 10-year-old girls 1.  There are approximately 60 million 10-year-old girls today. About 35 million of them live in…

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calendar_today 17 October 2016


UNFPA Executive Director's statement for International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, 17 October 2016

Access to quality sexual and reproductive health care can help end extreme poverty Statement of UNFPA Executive Director, Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin, on the International Day for…

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calendar_today 12 October 2016

Press Release

Statement of UNFPA Executive Director, Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin on the occasion of the International Day of the Girl Child

Making Girls Count in the Sustainable Development Goals Era Statement of UNFPA Executive Director, Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin, on the International Day of the Girl Child, 11…

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