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Invitation to Bid (ITB) No. UNFPA/SYR/ITB/17/001

Invitation to Bid (ITB) No. UNFPA/SYR/ITB/17/001


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For The Supply of Protection/Dignity Kit

Dear Sir/Madam:

We hereby solicit your Bid for the supply of the Protection/Dignity Kit on non-exclusive Long Term Agreement (LTAs) with one or multiple vendors for two years with possible one (1) year extension based on good performance.

The components and the technical specification of the requested kit are stated clearly in Annex 2. Description of goods and Technical Specifications of this ITB.
If you are interested in submitting a bid for these items, kindly fill in the attached submission forms and submit them in one sealed envelope to the address indicated below /send to the secure email address indicated below/ not later than 12:00pm (Damascus Local Time) Wednesday 01st of Nov. 2017 (reference: www.timeanddate.com/worldclock).

Bids received after the stipulated date and time shall not be accepted under any circumstances. Bids delivered through courier and posted later than the due date shall not be registered and shall be returned unopened or shall be shredded. Bids submitted to any other email address than secure email stipulated hereunder shall be rejected.
UNFPA requires free, non-returnable product samples for evaluation of the item at the time of bid submission. Samples shall be considered as part of the offer and shall be subject to the technical review.

Therefore, it is necessary for the bidders who are interested in participating in this bidding process, should send their samples before the deadline 12:00pm (Damascus Time) Wednesday 01st of Nov. 2017 (reference: www.timeanddate.com/worldclock).