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Request for Quotation No. UNFPA/SYR/RFQ/Gender/11-2017/32

Request for Quotation No. UNFPA/SYR/RFQ/Gender/11-2017/32


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Dear Sir/Madam,

We hereby solicit your Quotation for the Supplying, Installing, Testing, and Operating Heating System for UNFPA IP’s in Dahyet Qudsaya in Damascus as per Annex-1 Terms of Reference attached herein.

The deadline for submission of questions is 12:00PM Thursday 30th of November, 2017. Questions will be answered in writing and shared with all parties maxi by 04:00PM Sunday 03rd of December, 2017.

If you are interested in submitting a quotation for the Service listed above, kindly fill in the attached Quotation Form and send it back by hand to the address indicated below:
UNFPA Damascus Office, Bldg. No. 10
Fatmeh Idriss Lane Al-Ghazzawi St.
West Villas, Mezzeh
Damascus, Syria
Tel: 6121659-6113764
Dahyat Qudsaya, Al Alam Square, the left avenue after the check point, commercial market, in front of the Alzaeem restaurant, Bdaya Center.
Focal Point: Eng. Ghaith Esper
Mobile Number: 0966999146
United Nations Population Fund,
Website: www.unfpa.org