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Check here about #Al_Haydarieh primary #healthcare center before & after the rehabilitation works !!

The area is a home to over 37,000 #returnees in #Hanano neighborhood in #Aleppo.

Now, the center will be able to fully serve the patients in the neighborhood and nearby neighborhoods where #health services are not restored yet.

Syrian Arab Red Crescent - Aleppo Branch UNFPA UNFPA Arabic - صندوق الأمم المتحدة للسكان للدول العربية UN in Syria



“My fingers were cut because of a shell and I can’t write anymore.

Before #learning new skills at #Al_Safira center, nobody wanted to offer me a job, now they are searching for me and I can fulfill my #dreams”.

Watch the story of Mohammed, 20 years old, from #Rural #Aleppo.

UN in Syria UNFPA UNFPA Arabic - صندوق الأمم المتحدة للسكان للدول العربية

Restoring #Hope... Rebuilding #Lives


مشاركة #شباب #سوريين في المخيم الصيفي العالمي في #اليابان تابعوا معنا رحلة حلا وجواد من #حمص إلى #هيروشيما

For the first time, 2 young Syrians participate in the "Peace Winds Junior Global Citizens Summer Camp" in Japan. Let’s watch togather the journey of Hala & Jawad from Homs, Syria to Hiroshima, Japan.

#Youth #Homs #Peace #Syria #Japan #Camp #Hiroshima

UN in Syria UNFPA UNFPA Arabic - صندوق الأمم المتحدة للسكان للدول العربية

#ICPD25 #NairobiSummit


Thanks to the generous fund of the Embassy of Japan in Syria



ماهي استراتيجيات و أولويات صندوق الأمم المتحدة للسكان لعام 2019 ؟ تابعوا معنا السيد كارين دادوريان ممثل صندوق الأمم المتحدة للسكان لتتعرفوا على المزيد

 What are the interventions of the United Nations Population Fund today in #Syria? What are the priorites & plans for 2019 ?

Watch us here to know more about UNFPA in #Syria UNFPA Arabic - صندوق الأمم المتحدة للسكان للدول العربية الهيئة السورية لشؤون الأسرة والسكان


The Nairobi Statement was formulated after six months of global consultations led by the International Steering Committee on ICPD25, with hundreds of organizations and thousands of people involved. It provides a global framework for the formulation of government and partner commitments. Since it is non-binding, countries and other stakeholders may choose to support the Nairobi Statement in its entirety, in part, or not at all. In no way does supporting the Nairobi Statement infringe upon national sovereignty.






UNFPA Arab States Regional Office (ASRO) is marking this year’s International Women’s Day by launching a digital awareness and fundraising campaign ‘A Woman Even Here’.


The campaign tells the stories of six women and their struggles during humanitarian crises. Each of the six women endured hardships and experiences that can break most, but they survived to tell their stories.


It tells the story of Sahar who was abandoned by her husband because of her fistula. As a new mother, she refused to accept defeat. With the help of UNFPA and its partners, she was able to have a surgery. Post-surgery, she decided to give back and became a midwife.


Then, there is Dalal, a Syrian refugee who got married at sixteen years old. Soon, after her husband was one of the casualties of the ongoing conflict in Syria, she became a young widow and had a difficult time recovering from her traumatic experiences. However, she was able to seek help and fight her way out of depression. She did it for her son; he needed her unconditional love as she fulfills two roles, mother and father. 


They are stories of resilience!


Despite her best efforts to build a life out of the ruin, Reem, 26, is grappling with an unshakable anxiety about her future as a refugee. Displacement makes everything more difficult for women and girls. Girls are more likely to dropout of school than boys; they are also 90% more likely to be out of schools than girls who live in conflict-free countries. The risk of maternal death and morbidity also tend to increase in humanitarian disasters. In Syria, and after consistent reduction in the rate of maternal deaths since 1990, the rate started to spike for the first time after the onset of the crisis. For more on Reem's story: Follow #AWomanEvenHere to watch 5 stories of women who live 5 countries impacted by humanitarian crises in the region and join our call to prioritize women's needs in humanitarian response.


365 days in 90 seconds. Thousands of activities & services were delivered to support women & youth in Syria during 2018. A lot of thanks to our local partners & donors.


UNFPA in Syria #balanceforbetter to reach #SDGs, meet Mr. Karen Daduryan UNFPA Syria Representative 


Syrian Young people are playing an active role in constructive and positive change, They also have a crucial role to play in promoting and maintaining peace.

Youth participation is a prerequisite for lasting peace.
