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At the #Nairobi_Summit on #ICPD25, empowering #adolescents and #youth and promoting their #leadership; investing in the collection, analysis and use of #data; and leaving no one behind by ensuring #sexual and #reproductive_health and #rights to everyone even in humanitarian and fragile settings, were all identified as the main #accelerators for the fulfillment of the ICPD agenda.

#TheMarchContinues #GlobalGoals #NairobiSummit


Interagency celebrity campaign


لا تزال واحدة من كل ثلاث من #النساء و #الفتيات تتعرض #للعنف في مرحلة ما من حياتها. "كفى ! هذا ما نقوله اليوم وكل يوم لجميع أشكال العنف ضد النساء والفتيات. كفى #للعنف_الأسري. كفى #للاغتصاب. وكفى للإفلات من العقاب على واحد من أفظع انتهاكات حقوق الإنسان انتشارا"."

رسالة المديرة التنفيذية #لصندوق_الأمم_المتحدة_للسكان ، الدكتورة ناتاليا كانم ، في نشاطات ال #16_يومًا لمناهضة العنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي.




Enough! That’s what we say, today and every day, to all forms of violence against women and girls. Enough to domestic violence. Enough to rape. Enough to harmful practices like female genital mutilation. And enough to impunity for one of the most flagrant and pervasive violations of human rights. Women and girls have every right to live free from violence, everywhere. They have a right to peace in the home, in public and online. It is time to stand up and say enough to violence not just on one day, but 365 days a year. We must prevent violence. And until we end it, we must provide everything women and girls need to survive and recover, from physical and mental health care to legal aid and support for regaining livelihoods.


“I have achieved my dream; I will fight the world to enable my daughter to achieve her dreams as well”, Hala from #Lattakia said Watch here how Hala’s life has extremely changed after joining the #Women & #Girls #Safe #Space in Lattakia. UN in Syria UNFPA UNFPA Arabic - صندوق الأمم المتحدة للسكان للدول العربية Thansk to our local partner Mosaic Human Relief and Development - موزاييك للإغاثة والتنمية الإنسانية #16_days #GenerationEquality #WeAreWithYou #EndGBV


Check here what are the latest #Reproductive, #Maternal, #Newborn, #Child and #Adolescent health servcies which are provided in the context of #COVID_19 pandemic?

#World_Health_Organization #WHO #UNICEF #UNFPA #Arab_states



In November 2019, the #Nairobi_Summit on ICPD25 was held to commemorate the 25th #anniversary of the #International_Conference_on_Population_andDevelopment (ICPD) in 1994.

This documentary looks into the #commitments made by the countries in the #Arab_states region.

#TheMarchContinues #GlobalGoals #NairobiSummit


In November 2019, the Nairobi Summit on ICPD25 was held to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in 1994. The objective of the Summit was to galvanize political and financial momentum, as well as to build and strengthen partnerships to complete the unfinished businesses of the ICPD Programme of Action, including as an integral part of the 2030 Agenda and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

The Summit resulted in the “Nairobi Statement on ICPD25 - Accelerating the Promise’, which contains 12 global commitments that are centered around the three zeros towards which UNFPA is working: Zero preventable maternal deaths, zero unmet need for family planning, and zero gender-based violence and harmful practices, including child marriage and female genital mutilation. This documentary looks into the commitments made by the countries in the Arab states region.


#TheMarchContinues #GlobalGoals #NairobiSummit


"This voucher is very helpful, especially during these hard-living conditions. We cannot afford to buy many items as they are very expensive. Yet now, it is easier to get them through this voucher and to help protecting ourselves from #COVID_19 as well.", Samira told us from #Aleppo

Samira is one of thousands #Syrian #women who are receiving #food & #hygiene items through the. Supporting #Pregnant and #Lactating women with food and hygiene items through the E- Voucher programme is in partnership between the World Food Program and the United Nations Population Fund.


لكل امرأة " #من_حقك_تحكي"

لأنو بس تحكي راح تلاقي الحل و تعيشي بأمان أكثر

تابعوا معنا قصة حميدة من #اللاذقية

#Lattakia #Empowering_women #Women_Rights

Thanks to our partner Mosaic Human Relief and Development - موزاييك للإغاثة والتنمية الإنساني
