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19 April 2013

A City That’s Not a City

ZA'ATARI REFUGEE CAMP, Jordan — A city that’s not a city, Jordan’s Zaatari camp sits just across the border and houses more than 100,000 Syrians... Read more

21 January 2013

UNFPA Turkey Provides Hygiene Kits to Syrian Refugees

As the number of Syrian refugees in Turkey steadily increases, another batch of 20,000 hygiene kits provided by the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) are... Read more

17 December 2012

Another Safe Delivery in a Jordanian Refugee Camp

ZA'ATARI CAMP, Mafraq, Jordan— Samira was seven months pregnant when she and her family fled their home in Syria, seeking refuge in neighbouring Jordan. The 28-year old mother was not expecting to... Read more

15 December 2012

Syrian Refugees to Receive 20,000 Family Hygiene Kits

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Turkey has announced that it will deliver 20,000 additional hygiene kits for displaced Syrian families... Read more

7 December 2012

‘I Came Here to Listen,’ Secretary-General Tells Syrian Refugees in Turkey

ANKARA, Turkey—"I came here to listen” said United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon in Islahiye refugee camp in Turkey today, “but I must... Read more

8 November 2012

Learning Opportunities Help Syrian Women Cope with Camp Life

ZA’ATARI REFUGEE CAMP, Mafreq, Jordan — Syrian women residing in the are trying to cope with life in the fenced area that hosts some 40,000 refugees... Read more

12 October 2012

Reaching the Most Vulnerable Amid the Violence in Syria

DAMASCUS — Around 2.5 million people, of whom 625,000 are estimated to be women of reproductive age, are directly affected by the escalating violence in Syria. While security remains a major... Read more

25 September 2012
Press Release

Syrian Refugee Delivers Safely in a UNFPA-Supported Clinic

CYBER CITY, Ramtha, Jordan— Thirty-year-old Khloloud Mohammad was seven months pregnant when she and her husband and seven children walked for four hours, surviving shelling in her hometown of Nasib... Read more

2 August 2012

Delivering Support to Syrian Women as the Crisis Worsens

DAMASCUS, Syria — Like thousands of other people in the capital and surrounding suburbs, Abdulahadi and Aisha, along with their four children, fled their family home as shelling in their... Read more

10 March 2012

Delivering Babies and Smiles to Syrian Refugees

After nearly 30 years in nursing and midwifery, Fathieh Ayyad still considers her work to be extremely satisfying. She now cares for Syrian refugees... Read more
