United Nations Population Fund - Syria Monthly Newsletter Top Stories of the month My Newly Twin Girls See Life TEDxYouthJahez Youth Innovation Y-PEER Is Back Support...
UNFPA Regional Requirements in Response to the Syria Crisis
UNFPA, together with the international community, has been urging for a quick end to the Syrian crisis, warning against further deterioration of the humanitarian situation and call...
Gender-based violence is a complicated and sensitive subject. Reporting on gender-based violence means discussing issues that are often considered ‘taboo,’ and talking ...
Despite the efforts and engagement of local and regional media in highlighting and denouncing gender-based violence against women and girls in the six countries most-affected by th...
For the first time since World War II, Europe is experiencing a massive movement of refugees and migrants, women, girls, men and boys of all ages, fleeing armed conflicts, mass kil...
UNFPA-assisted partners delivered around 400,000 reproductive health and gender-based violence-related services in Syria during the months of July and August 2015.
State of World Population Report
We live in a world where humanitarian crises extract mounting costs from economies, communities and individuals. Wars and natural disasters make the headlines, at least initially. ...
Highlights: In the Syrian Arab Republic: 113,000 reproductive health services delivered to Syrian 57,269 Syrian benefit from reproductive health and gender-based violence ...